Need help with Eagle for PCB...
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Christian Adzic
2018-10-27 20:07:45 UTC
I'm new in Eagle and I'm migrating from NI Ultiboard to Eagle.
I use NI product around 20 years and have many projects finished with that software package,
but unfortunately, I saw Eagle and the great think does it is compatible with my DIY CNC machine
what I use for PCB fabricating, I switching to Eagle. For now, I use the free version but I thinking to
pay the year registration too if It will really meet my requirement, what's are not so complicated...

Here is the problem I run into in Eagle and I can see other people have also the same problems.

1. I can't imagine does such of software, such huge company like AutoCAD, they didn't integrate
a ruler system like what we can see even in MS Word, or I had in NI Ultiboard...

2. There is also no simple way to change the width on a bunch of traces on a simple project, let's say something
like the simplest pcb for an Attiny85 development board.

3. I also can't figure out a simple onboard part footprint parameter changing.
I have to go into some libraries, databases, copying and pasting parts from - to etc...
That's crap also.

4. The PCB 3D representation is really crap in Eagle.
I can't imagine does in NI Ultiboard it is just one click stuff. Here in Eagle, I'm, as an electronic engineer I must be also a
person who knows 3D modeling techniques to watch my project in 3D representation.
That's really non-sense.

Everything I mentioned above is so time-consuming job what is unusable and very boring when I make a pcb.

1. I can't imagine how can I precisely put a component on a precise location on my pcb?
Let's say I have a pcb width 5cm and height 8cm.
I wish to put a connector 1cm far from the left side of my pcb, that means, that the connector should be located
1cm from the left side where the max width is 5cm.
That "snap to grid" stuff is also very crapy. It snaps to grid non-stop to some location but I can't snap it to the half size of a grid.

2. Is there a really ruler system somewhere in Eagle what I can enable and use it?
The measurement tool from the tool panel is also crap, it also measures the distance between the grid's but not between the real  distance of two objects etc...

I really don't know how to make my pcb really precise as I saw on several intro videos on YouTube...

I hope does someone can surprise me and give me some support on how to overcome these problems.
I was really thinking to buy Eagle but after I tried out and I read the same problems over the net, and AutoCAD didn't made
any modification to solve the problem, I'm really thinking to step back and not to buy...


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Christian Adzic
2018-10-27 21:37:16 UTC
Thank's for your response, I was really faithful with Eagle, because AutoCAD is a really genial company with great knowledge etc.
but I won't spend my time clicking around on some panels and using some google to find in some corners important data and trying to interpret what
that exactly mean etc..

I hope you know what I mean, I wish to do my job, but not writing some commands to set my parts to some simple coordinates, and I won't
use my calculator non-stop beside me to calculate the coordinates where should my component be fitted...

I feel does this app is something like a cow that gives 100Lit. milk/day, but every time when the cow is milking he spills it all.

So many clicking around for so simple task, that is rely crazy.

I hope somebody from AutoCAD will do some changes in the future.

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Gene Breniman
2018-10-27 21:20:42 UTC

Eagle can be a little difficult to learn and understand, especially if you have been use to using some other design package.  That is probably true with any package.

1) To do precise placement, I use the 'properties' button (upper-left selection on my version).  This will open a window that will allow you to edit the placement and other properties of the item.

2) as far as a ruler goes, I have never found one.  There is a small window that shows the cursor position, which is what I used to determine distance, etc. (I will alter the grid settings to increase the resolution when needed).

There are still a lot things that I have trouble doing with Eagle, but the more I use it, the more I appreciate the power that it does provide (you just have to learn how to use it).

Good luck,

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Joern Paschedag
2018-10-29 09:01:02 UTC
Post by Christian Adzic
I'm new in Eagle and I'm migrating from NI Ultiboard to Eagle.
I use NI product around 20 years and have many projects finished with that software package,
but unfortunately, I saw Eagle and the great think does it is compatible with my DIY CNC machine
what I use for PCB fabricating, I switching to Eagle. For now, I use the free version but I thinking to
pay the year registration too if It will really meet my requirement, what's are not so complicated...
Here is the problem I run into in Eagle and I can see other people have also the same problems.
1. I can't imagine does such of software, such huge company like AutoCAD, they didn't integrate
a ruler system like what we can see even in MS Word, or I had in NI Ultiboard...
2. There is also no simple way to change the width on a bunch of traces on a simple project, let's say something
like the simplest pcb for an Attiny85 development board.
3. I also can't figure out a simple onboard part footprint parameter changing.
I have to go into some libraries, databases, copying and pasting parts from - to etc...
That's crap also.
4. The PCB 3D representation is really crap in Eagle.
I can't imagine does in NI Ultiboard it is just one click stuff. Here in Eagle, I'm, as an electronic engineer I must be also a
person who knows 3D modeling techniques to watch my project in 3D representation.
That's really non-sense.
Everything I mentioned above is so time-consuming job what is unusable and very boring when I make a pcb.
1. I can't imagine how can I precisely put a component on a precise location on my pcb?
Let's say I have a pcb width 5cm and height 8cm.
I wish to put a connector 1cm far from the left side of my pcb, that means, that the connector should be located
1cm from the left side where the max width is 5cm.
That "snap to grid" stuff is also very crapy. It snaps to grid non-stop to some location but I can't snap it to the half size of a grid.
2. Is there a really ruler system somewhere in Eagle what I can enable and use it?
The measurement tool from the tool panel is also crap, it also measures the distance between the grid's but not between the real  distance of two objects etc...
I really don't know how to make my pcb really precise as I saw on several intro videos on YouTube...
I hope does someone can surprise me and give me some support on how to overcome these problems.
I was really thinking to buy Eagle but after I tried out and I read the same problems over the net, and AutoCAD didn't made
any modification to solve the problem, I'm really thinking to step back and not to buy...
Hi there,
there is a simple way: If you don't like eagle don't use it.
I won't use a program where almost everything is crab.

So if you plan to get a pro licence why don't you try with a month
licence first.

I really haven't seen lay-outers to use a ruler, but in eagle one can
use the grid to set to every thing one wants, inch, mm etc.
Usually at the top left on the board screen is a coordinate scale
representing the numbers set by the grid i.e. 1mm +- from coordinate 0:0
or in relation set by MARK.
Besides there is measuring available.

...to change the width on a bunch of traces...
use GROUP and then change the width.

...onboard part footprint parameter changing...
is bullshit imho.
Actually there is no need to do so. Use the correct device with the
correct package and you are done with it.
Unfortunately in SMS technology different manufacturers have different
footprints for the same product device. One must live with it and
carefully check the data sheets.

3D really not good.

As a newcomer you make the mistake every newcomer makes to a new system,
having seen
videos on YouTube and read a tutorial and think you know the system.
No one can learn a CAD system just like that, the experience makes the
after a time ;-)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / With best regards

Joern Paschedag